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a. Designing suitable reinsurance programme structuring various non-proportional
and proportional treaties by taking into account the business plan and projections available by our clients.
b. Arranging for the right lead reinsurance and negotiating best terms for the various arrangements.
c. To market and place reinsurance programme with the best securities.
d. Timely placement of facultative risks.
e. Seeking competitive quotes on behalf of clients from various markets.
f. Ensure both parties meet their contractual obligation.
g. Ensure recovery of claims from reinsurers and that their payments are made promptly.
h. Providing regular market information and assessments.
i. Our team uses its Local/Regional and International connections and expertise to run risk-management programs for our clients.
j. We facilitate a variety of insurance and financial products designed to fit the needs of investors, banks, exporters and contractors.